Mobile Application Development Training
The Mobile Apps Development is one of the most advanced portable technologies that allows users to take explore all possibilities with regard to mobile communication, computing and entertainment. It is one of the most secure platforms available for user.
This course is aimed at students who wish to acquire skills and knowledge in development in developing mobile applications using the android platform.This course will provide participants with hands-on experience to enable them build mobile applications on the android platform
Basic of Software Development
The participant will be able to:
- Install the Java Development Kit(JDK) and set the environment variables
- Understand Basic Java Syntax
- Work with Java Classes and Objects
- install the Android Software Development Kit(SDK) and setup the development environment
- Setup an android virutal device
- Design User Interfaces with various UI Controls
- Send Emails with Android
- Send SMS using SMS Manager
- Make phone calls in Android

- Setting up the Java Environment
- Java Syntax
- Variable and operators
- Decision making and loops
- Methods
- Exception handling
- Object Orientation
- Collections and Generics
- Filesa nd I/O

- Setting up the Android Environment
- Creating Android Virtual Device(AVD)
- Android UI Layout and Controls
- Alert Dialogs
- Using SMS Manager and Intents

What We Offer?
Our team has been delivering cost-effective but robust android apps solutions to our clients for years. Our solutions are not just cost-effective and innovative; it helps businesses in attracting potential clients.
The mobile development services that we offer:
Our mobile development expertise capable of working on required APIs to deliver required result.